
Thanks, Jeff. I wonder how many readers took it seriously.

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eschatological wardrobe! /

can't do deadpan to the dead /

we get you Peter / that's why

we are here / carry on my

wayward son!

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Great piece; I laughed a lot. I imagine that if I were ever sent back, I’d land in my late father-in-law’s walk-in closet and have to wear one of his cotton-candy-colored double-knit suits, non-wrinkle shirts, and a tie made of repurposed plastic. I’d also have to attend a Kiwanis Club meeting.

On a more somber note, your Rapture riff reminds me of an Atlantic story I read a few years ago about the migrant crisis. The writer described a trail in the North Mexican desert frequently used by Coyotes guiding groups of desperate people. As he came over the rise, stretched before him as far as he could see were abandoned backpacks, plastic bags, empty water jugs, clothing—a lot of it children’s clothing—worn sneakers and flip-flops covering the valley floor. Did the owners make it to their maker?

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A twilight zone kind of nightmare at the end, though you made me laugh with the father-in-law story. My first father-in-law from Scarsdale once said to some Japanese tourists when they asked for directions, "You had no trouble finding Pearl Harbor." Yikes!

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Pete, what a clever, irreverent view of the rapture. I immediately removed all of Tom’s cargo shorts from his dresser !! You succeeded in delivering laughter and smiles

to our day!!


Your sis and her hubby, Tom

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Thanks, Peter! A great way to start my day, though I see I have under/dressed for the Event. Back upstairs to change!

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Ha! Stay underdressed and he'll leave you alone. At our ages no reason to give HIM a reason.

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The Rapture: God's Powerball Lottery /

While the Undertaker Sleeps arrived

here in the high-desert last week /

enjoying it / I'm old enough to remember

when hardcovers cost more than paperbacks /

think it might have something to do with

disappearance of home libraries?

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Loved the Powerball allusion

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One of my favourites from the collection! Also, ever seen The Leftovers? It’s an HBO show about the people left behind post-rapture. Great watch

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No, but I will watch it. Thanks for your comment and don't hesitate to share it. I'm going to more sit-down comedy in the future. I really like what you're doing lately.

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Same to you Peter! I’m taking some time off work with the new kiddo on the way. Expect an email from me soon about our chat. Getting it ready for release

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Hilarious, and just what I needed after some grading.

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